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Kitchen Misconception

Common Kitchen Misconception and Design Mistakes

Remodeling your kitchen is not always a straightforward process. Misconceptions and mistakes are commonly found in all stages during construction and even design. Some people may try to avoid rules or limitations that may...

Kitchen remodeling flaws to be aware of

No home remodel wants to encounter any kitchen remodeling flaws. Mistakes can happen, and even with the most professional jobs out there. Human error can spark from the blink of an eye. Even in...

10 Simple Steps to Protect Yourself and Others from COVID19

We always hear the phrases “Wash your hands” and “Don’t touch your face” as common mantras. However, with the current aggressive stance, we are urged even more precautions. One of the things we...
water danage

Water Damage in Bathrooms

One of the most common places for water damage to occur in the bathroom. This is due to the fact that bathrooms contain a lot of potential sources of water, such as showers, sinks,...