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Unusual Cabinet Material You Should Avoid for your Kitchen Remodel

Kitchen cabinets are typically made from wood or pressed wood. We commonly hear doors made with mahogany, walnut, maple, or even rubberwood. The common thing amongst these materials is that they are all trees....

Are Inset Kitchen Cabinets Worth the Investment? A Closer Look at Pros and Cons

Are you looking to spruce up your kitchen cabinetry? Using inset cabinets in your kitchen upgrade will add function, value, and character. They're versatile enough to work with most home decor styles too, giving you...

Shipping damage kitchen cabinets and how to fix this

Cabinet shipping damage can be one of the most infuriating parts of the remodel. After waiting the time for the cabinets to ship only to receive damaged cabinets. Unlike Amazon orders, kitchen cabinets are...

Ultimate Modern Rustic Kitchen Ideas: Stunning & Practical

If you want to create a stunning and practical kitchen while incorporating a touch of rustic charm, then a modern rustic kitchen style is the perfect choice. Combining the warmth and coziness of rustic...
remodel downtrend

Kitchen Remodel downtrend?

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a surge in home remodeling projects, as people look to create their own perfect retreats. Cabinet material was out of stock, contractors were booked months in advance, and...