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The Neat Cabinet Advantage

What you can do to best organize your kitchen cabinets It’s like a scene out of a comedy – a character visits a slob at his residence, opens a cabinet and is pummeled by an...

More than a Knob

There’s much to explore in kitchen cabinet hardware You’ve decided to go with the classic Shaker design for your kitchen cabinets. You can’t go wrong, it’s long enduring construction has all but defied going out...

(Nearly) Self-Sufficient Cabinets

Save time with cabinets that need little attention It’s the busiest room of a home, and it’s no surprise that it’s also the messiest. Yup, we’re talking about the kitchen, the area that requires the...

Collaborative Cabinets

Realizing your vision with a designer You know what you want - you have certain expectations for your cabinets. All you need to do is successfully communicate your vision to a professional. Let this guide...

Conservative Cabinets

The politics of saving money on kitchen storage After the bills are paid, few of us have enough cash left to indulge in some home improvement project. But if you simply cannot delay replacing your...